Sponsorships 2024

Support, Sponsorship, & Exhibitions

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Overview of Benefits

Your support of the AACBT National Conference will provide you an opportunity to:

Gain access to, and engage with attendees from different allied health and medical specialties both face-to-face and via newsletters & social media through to October

Create awareness and understanding for your brand and organisation with an opportunity to showcase your latest product developments and services that differentiate you from your competitors

Build and improve relationships with current and potential clients and continue to build your reputation as a leader in your field or community

Enhance your credibility and corporate social responsibility by contributing directly to the scientific education of mental health professionals

We advise you to secure your participation early, in order to gain long-term exposure.

Contact us for more information about our exciting opportunities, or read more in our information booklet.

Art @kate_major


We look forward to working with our 2024 partners and supporters.

Book Supporter

Woodslane Health

Woodslane Health stocks an extensive range of psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry and counselling resources for mental health professionals, academics, and researchers. We also have a wide selection of self-help and client recommendation books for children, adolescents, parents, families and adults. We are proud to distribute these titles on behalf of highly regarded global publishers including Guilford Press, American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, Springer Publishing and Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Image Credits: Art @kate_major; supplied.