
AACBT National Tour – Sydney: Tracey Wade “Treating Perfectionism” – one day workshop

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16 May 2019
09:00 am
- 05:00 pm
The Grace Hotel, York Street, Sydney NSW
The Grace Hotel, York Street, Sydney NSW, Australia
  • Tracey Wade
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Treating perfectionism in our clients – one day workshop

Presenter: Professor Tracey Wade

Perfectionism is a transdiagnostic issue, which if not recognised in the client, can make therapy far less effective. Learning to recognise, conceptualise and work with perfectionism, even when this is not the main focus of treatment, will allow our evidence based treatment to be more successfully used with our clients, especially where there are presenting issues of depression, suicidality, anxiety, or eating disorders.

Perfectionism is considered a transdiagnostic risk factor for depression, anxiety, suicidality and eating disorders. It impedes therapeutic engagement, is associated with drop-out, and has a strong association with self-criticism and lack of self-compassion. A body of emerging research also indicates that perfectionism is associated with less successful goal pursuit and resilience in the face of adversity. Perfectionism has significantly increased in youth over the last 20 years.

Meta-analyses show that cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for perfectionism decreases perfectionism, depression and anxiety. Tracey is part of a team of clinician/researchers who have been at the forefront of formulating and evaluating CBT for perfectionism, producing a therapist manual as well as a self-help book, now in its second edition which has also been translated into Chinese.

Tracey will present a full-day workshop informed by these resources and her work with online and school perfectionism interventions, as well as a forthcoming book that describes the conduct of short-term CBT for eating disorders that distils the most powerful components of CBT. She has had 30 years of experimenting with CBT across different areas of psychopathology, with a focus on promoting well-being and recovery.

Key Learning Objectives

  1. Understand how to apply case conceptualisation related to perfectionism to the clients presenting with a range of Axis 1 disorders.
  2. Be able to select and use relevant aspects of the perfectionism treatment protocol when working with clients from a range of backgrounds.
  3. Be aware of the issues that can threaten therapeutic alliance and retention in clients struggling with perfectionism and pre-empt these in therapy.

Assumed Background Knowledge and Experience of Attendees

Basic: Casual familiarity with topic area; e.g., treated one case

Implications / Applications of Learning for Clinical Practice

While many therapists recognise that perfectionism affects a number of their clients with different diagnostic problems, the way to manage this in therapy is not always clear, especially when it seems difficult to include more content in therapy. The workshop will help clinicians to feel more confident about managing perfectionism and decreasing it so that their therapy with the client can be more successful.

Duration & Format / Training Modalities

The one-day workshop will include interactive teaching, practical exercises, self-reflection and group exercises, with provision of a client workbook to accompany therapy. The importance of psychoeducation and behavioural experiments in this area will be highlighted, as will pathways to pursuing self-compassion in this population. Issues related to the best way to deliver CBT for perfectionism when comorbidity is the norm in this group will also be explored.

This workshop has 7 hours CPD, and includes morning & afternoon teas plus lunch.

References – readings

Shafran R, Cooper Z, & Fairburn CG. (2002). Clinical perfectionism: A cognitive-behavioural analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40, 773-791.

Egan S, Wade TD, Shafran R, Antony, M. (2014). Cognitive-behavioural treatment of perfectionism. New York: Guilford.

Shafran R, Egan SJ, & Wade TD. (2018). Overcoming Perfectionism. Second Edition. Constable Robinson.

Registration at 8:30am for a 9:00am start.

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Early bird rates for FULL MEMBERS expires on 17 March 2019.

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